Bible itself admits much of it is written by false friends of God (Jeremiah 8:8).
That's a very interesting thought. Hold on to it. Because Paul wrote to Timothy that all of Scripture is inspired by God.
You're saying Paul is wrong. Which means he's mistaken at best, a liar and false friend of God at worst.
In any case, we can't trust anything he wrote. By extension we shouldn't trust anyone who associated with him (after all who would trust a friend of a known liar and fals friend of God?)
So we must ignore most if not all of the NT. Well maybe the gospels can stay.
Oh no the gospels have to go to as they state what is included in your list of 'written by false friends'. So no more NT in our Bible.
Looking through your list we also get rid of the first 5 books, all (claimed to be) written by Moses, a false friend of God too according to your list.
Take out the books referring to other items on your list, or written by the same writers, and we're left with not much of a Bible anymore, are we?